PR & influencing

Never has arranging communication been so easy and yet so complicated. The development of technology and different media platforms give everyone a possibility to create their own channel to communicate with the target group. At the same time the challenge hides in the endless possibilities – which channel to choose, with whom to cooperate, what kind of content to upload, how to break through the surrounding info pollution.

To really understand the target group and what they care about. To create concepts for brands that have a wider social impact and help the target group to make better choices and change behavioural habits.

How to achieve this? Our team does this through three main activities:

  • Brand communication / marketing communication
  • Influence marketing & content creation
  • Corporate communication

We have arranged sponsorships for organisations and helped to introduce CSR principles in companies. We counsel our partners about crisis situations and strategical communication.

Our experts have extensive communication experience in culture and sports.